Babies at Vancouver Aquarium
Promotion for a Spring exhibit at the Vancouver Aquarium. Aimed at parents and kids, this campaign teased the facts of (sea)life in formats like children’s’ books and songs.
Pregnancy tests, for men.
To generate buzz, we placed ‘pregnancy tests’ in local restaurant urinals. Men relieving themselves revealed positive test results—something to share back at the table—and learned male seahorses give birth. Each flush reset the heat sensitive decals.
Media outlets carried news of the stunt, including Vancouver’s most popular morning radio shows.
Eating Nemo.
Instead of headlines we wrote stories. Ads linked to audiobooks, also used to promote the exhibit online. The illustrators were eager to draw whole books, but these babies needed to be delivered ASAP. Birth joke!
David Giovando wrote me into this one. Then had me eaten.
Babies at Vancouver Aquarium: After Dark.